IMC Aloe Gel



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Weight : 100 g

Aloe Vera skin care gel is the world's best natural anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti-viral, anti- inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-wrinkle, anti-septic, anti-allergic and anti-biotic gel.

Aloe Vera contains over 200 nutritional substances like minerals, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. Aloe Vera is a natural skin care formula. It repairs dead skin and provides nutritional benefits to the skin. It easily penetrates into the skin and keeps the skin glowing and young.


  • Protects the skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Reduces hyper pigmentation makes the skin beautiful, fair, glowing, soft and supple.
  • Works as a protective shield against dust, chemicals, pollution etc.
  • Prevents wrinkles, pimples, blemishes, stretch marks, nappy rashes and brown or black patches.
  • Daily application in the morning, afternoon and at night heals bed sores.
  • Applying on baby's diaper area prevents rashes.
  • Provides instant relief from joint pain by massaging on the affected area. Protects from diseases like skin bursts, sunburn and harmful effects of pollution.
  • Relieves eczema, psoriasis, allergy, itching and infection.
  • Applying on cuts, burns cracked and scars helps to heal quickly.
  • Moisturizes dry and dull skin.
  • Massaging with Aloe Gel on the roots of the hair, opens the pores, which helps in growth and thickness of hair, also prevents dandruff, hair greying and hair loss, makes hair long, thick, shiny and beautiful.
  • Helps to remove spectacle marks from nose.

Directions to use : Daily after bath and before going to bed, massage gently on face and body.

IMC Product